Thursday, January 21, 2010

U.S.G.A. Record Article

I found a great article that explains what golf courses around the country have been doing to deal with the erratic weather. If you have the opportunity check out the site, it is very informative.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wind Burn #17, Frost Damage #4.

Wind burn on #17 green from winter temperatures and wind.

Turf damage from walking on turf with frost.

Friday, January 15, 2010

#2 Bridge at the End of the Day.

#2 rotten supports.

The supports fell when we were pulling the top beams with a small winch. The rotten supports fell by themselves. The bridge demo was needed due to liability.

#2 Bridge Demo, Day 3.

#2 bridge demo.

Removing the decking and center supports has shown alot of rot on sections of the bridges structure.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

#2 Bridge Demo, Day 2.

#2 Bridge Demo

The bridge demo is coming along even though the weather hasn't been favorable. The course is still sporatically covered in snow. Hopefully, we will be able to open soon.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Staff Prepping for the Next Season

Rich grinding reels for next season.

Billy and Sherry cleaning and painting ballwashers.

It takes a lot of time to get the course supply prepped for the coming season. We have a lot of painting, which includes, ball washers, cups, enter and exit stakes, hazard stakes, match sticks, trash cans, etc. In a day we are all spread out finishing different tasks such as, course supply, equipment, scrounging for hickory to make new tee blocks and trying to get everything finished by the first tourney. Rich, the mechanic, has done a great job grinding the reels for the coming season. Every winter we grind the reels to keep a more precise edge on the cutting units.
