Thursday, February 25, 2010


2010 Verti-Drain

St. Clair Membership,

The staff and I will be starting the verti-drain process on Monday, March 8th. Depending on the weather, the process could be moved to the following Monday. Deep tine aerification is very essential for the seasonal health of the greens. We will add 80 tons of sand to the subsurface of the greens. The sand is drug and swept into ¾ inch holes that range from 8-10 inches deep which helps with air transfer, drainage and it keeps the greens from creating a thatch layer below the surface. Again, this procedure is vital to the green’s yearly health and the holes will heal with a little time. Please check the St. Clair blog later for further details and course conditions.

Thank you for your continued support.

Jeremy Klotz

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Calibrating Product for Season and Herbicide Spray

Herbicide and pre-emergent are being sprayed on the warm season turf through the course. The herbicide kills the existing poa in the fairways and the pre-emergent takes care of any poa or weed seeds that try to germinate after the herbicide spray.

The verti-drain is two weeks away and we are calibrating products that will be spread and incorporated into the greens.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another Winter Weekend

Most of the course is still covered in snow. It may be a few more days until we are open. We haven't had much thaw because the daytime temps barely get above freezing.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Spray Rig Calibration

Spray Rig Calibration

This is the most important job we do in the winter. Before we spray fertilizers, fungicides and herbicides, we calibrate the rate the rig sprays. We have different rates for the greens, fairways and the spray hawk that sprays the steep banks. The rig will be calibrated three times yearly to insure proper application rates.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Reel Maintenance, Progression

A lot of time is spent tearing down the reel for maintenance.

A reel being ground, completely taken out of the case.

A completed reel with new seals and bearings.
