Friday, May 31, 2013

#2 Irrigation Main Leak- Split

On May 18th, right after the rescheduled Member/ Member event, an irrigation line split on the back left of #2 green.  The irrigation pumps that were installed in 2006 can push up to 800 gallons of water per minute at 150 psi through the irrigation system.  By the time the system was shut down, the pumps were at 50 psi and couldn't handle the leak.  The first two pics are of the water flow.  The third pic is of a split through both the "T" and 6" pipe.  The forth pic is the entire 8 foot length of the split.  The last pic is the hole that was excavated and broken pipe removed.  The fix took roughly 6 hours.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

#15 Green Fairy Ring Prep and Wetting Agents

We had to spray wetting agents on the greens to allow us to use less water at night and syringe less in the day time.  The wetting agents also keep our salted hydrophobic soils hydrated and working properly.  We had a few areas on #15 green that had the first signs of fairy ring.  We applied a fungicide after poking small holes to get the chemical down into the profiles and watered in for a few minutes.  This application will help keep the disease in check.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Injection System

We are running the injection system for the first time this evening.  We have to flush the untreated water in the irrigation pipes by running water on the fairways and tees.  We are running the system so we can water in a wetting agent with treated water later in the week.  The untreated water slows or inhibits water from moving through the green profiles.  Below is a link for further information on the injection system.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Irrigation Pipe and Various Parts for Irrigation Install

There is one more small shipment on the way and the entire irrigation system will be on site.  The material was placed as far to the left of the range as we could get it.  The top three pics are of the different sized HDPE pipes.  The bottom pic is of the various parts such as heads and a few more satellite controllers.  As always if you have any questions about the coming renovation feel free to contact me at   

Friday, May 3, 2013

Spraying, Injection System, Rain Day Work

We spray products that need to be watered in right before rain so we don't have to use the irrigation system.  The more we keep the lake water off of the greens, the better.  The second pic is the acid injection system situated on the left side of the pump house.  The last picture includes (3) 300 gallon tanks of product for the acid injector in the back ground.  As per usual rain day, the staff is very excited about washing and waxing the pump house.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

#15 Green is Open

#15 green is finally open.  I have been looking forward to this for a long time.  The repaired "ball marks" on the green is where poa has already begun to take hold.  We mow this green with a dedicated mower first thing in the morning and hand pull the poa weeds.  We fill the holes in with sand to promote bent growth and it is working very well. 
