Monday, March 17, 2014

Asphalt, Stumps, Seeding

We are working around the weather to get as much done as possible.  We started last week with the asphalt planer and sweeper and finished the week using the backhoe to remove damaged areas.  The second picture is the grinder that Ted Crews from Ted Crews Service Co. operated.  He ground 40 massive stumps in 9 hours.  The third picture is the amount of debris left by the grinder.  We have already cleaned up the debris from half of the big stumps.  We have also seeded the bottom of #13 fairway where the drainage project was completed last fall.  In between the larger tasks we are progressing on smaller detail tasks such as re-placing the tee monument on #3, painting the St. Clair entrance sign, white pillar and curbs, and reinstalling ball washer posts that had to be removed.  Today we are working on more stump debris clean up, installing rock base in damaged areas and hopefully when it warms up spraying the rough with pre emergent. 
