Friday, April 16, 2010

Green Root Comparison

The seasonal health of the greens depends on the depth and overall health of the roots. The plug on the right of the picture is a plug taken from our USGA spec nursery seeded with A-4 bent grass. The plug on the left is a plug from #4 green. The greens have the same fertility and fungicide program and the greens all receive the same amount of irrigation. St. Clair is a very difficult course to maintain due to the inconsistent subsurface composition, different turf varieties and the unreliable drainage and irrigation system.

From left to right, #4 green, #8 green and the nursery, these plugs represent the different generations of the newer greens. It is popular in the golf industry, to reconstruct subsurfaces and establish an A-4 bent grass surface due to the nature of the turf. We have made a little headway on renovating a greens surface to A-4. #5 was the first green we have resurfaced with A-4 and it should be a more playable and manageable green.

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