Friday, May 14, 2010

Nursery Reseed

We ordered 80 tons of 90/10 sand and peat moss mix to refill the surface of the nursery. When we resurfaced #5 green we removed two inch sod from the surface. A lot of time is spent grading the area and constantly watering the surface to help settle the loose sand.

This is a picture of A-4 bent grass seed. We apply three pounds of bent grass seed per one thousand square feet. The nursery square footage is approximately 7,100 square feet.

The bent grass seed is so fine that we have to mix the seed with a carrier fertilizer so the seed doesn't get completely blown away and we get a consistent application. We apply the mix at a very low rate and spread the seed in multiple directions to insure that every inch of the nursery is covered.

After the surface has been graded and the mix has been applied we track or "dimple" the seed in with the bunker rakes tires to further prepare the seed bed. This practice improves sand to seed contact and increases the percent of germinated seed. The dimples and constant irrigation keeps the seed from blowing away and drying out. If an area or streak does not get dimpled, the bent will not germinate.

This is the finished nursery. We raise the fence around the new green to keep animals like the resident deer from walking over the surface. The green will take a few weeks to germinate. If everything goes well we will be resurfacing another green by next spring.

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