Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Renovation Day 41-43

#5 fairway was prepped and sod was installed late last week.  Kye did a great job shaping the contours of the fairway and laying the turf lines to differentiate between the zoysia and fescue sod.  The bottom picture is #12 green with bent grass germination.  We had seed germinate in four days.  The thin areas will fill and hopefully we will be  mowing on day ten after germination.     

Friday, September 20, 2013

Renovation Day 32-40

We have half of the greens seeded.  The irrigation has been programmed to run three minutes every half hour.  The second picture is #5 green with seed applied and dimpled with the bunker rake.  Green shaping and most of the bunkers are complete.  A few more good days of weather and we will have all of the seeding finished.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Renovation Day 25-31

#9 green and the new putting green in front of the pro shop has been drained, lined and filled with greens mix.  Over the last few weeks of heat Mr. Goalby has been passing out water to the St. Clair, LaBar and    T and A staff.  He has been here every day since the beginning of the renovation, he even took my hose while I was watering sod so I could get a drink of water.  Good Man.  Also, Kye was out last Sunday in the rain floating the greens surface in preparation of seeding.  The last picture is #1 with completed sod perimeter.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Renovation Day 21-24

T and A Irrigation installed the HDPE main irrigation line yesterday on #8.  They will tie into the already completed #8 fairway irrigation line.  They have completed all of the green irrigation except for #9 and the new putter.  After the greens loops are installed they will install temporary controll boxes so we can program a watering cycle for the newly seeded greens.  LaBar is sodding #12 green surround and will be completed today.  We have been hand watering completed sod areas a few times a day and we are days away from seeding the green.  #1 tee has been expanded in the front with soil from #9 green complex.  Kye will use a dozer to finish grading the slope and sod will be installed. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Renovation Day 17-20

A lot of progress has been made over the last few days.  The sand base for #5 green has been installed.  Once the bunkering and perimeter sod is in place we will start seeding the green.  Kye is floating the surface of #12 today and prep work around the perimeter is in progress.  Sod for the surround will arrive tomorrow.  The tie wall at #1 tee has been removed.  The soil from the demo at #9 green will be used as back fill to make a slight hill sloping down from the tee and hopefully allow us to gain a few yards in the front.  The asphalt and rock base is being removed in front of the pro shop for the new putting green site.  We are still well within the seeding window and I am looking forward to getting the surfaces seeded. 
