Thursday, August 15, 2013

Renovation Day 1

We are verti-draining the older USGA greens first.  The verti-drain allows us to remove the salted organic mater.  Once the plugs are removed we pick up the plugs, fill the holes with sand and sweep the surface with a sweeping machine.  The second pic is of #6 green.  LaBar removed a 1/2 inch of the bent grass surface so Kye can float the green surface and remove the top dress crown and further the green surface to the original green platform.  LaBar also removed the sand from the left and right bunker and removed sod for the new bunker site.  In the third picture, LaBar began to install herring bone drainage in the old push up green.  Once installed we will add a 65-20-15, 65% sand, 20% peat, and 15% topsoil mix that is comparable to the greens profile.  We sent samples to the lab to find a compatable mix.  To dry and we will see lines in the summer and too wet the drain lines will be to saturated to work properly.   

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